How to Plan a Holiday Party in a Pandemic

How to Plan a Holiday Party in a Pandemic

Party amidst Covid restrictions sounds weird to some but a thrilling idea to many. If people follow basic Covid guidelines to maintain safety and take appropriate precautions, then a get together can be organised even during the pandemic. While it is not just for celebrating an event, the reason to have a party or a simple get together can be to just make someone feel better or boost the morale of some who feels covid has made his life bitter due to distance between family or friends. We have come up with some good ideas to help you plan a holiday party in a pandemic.

Less is More

Humans are social animals due to which they have a large friend circle to hang out with, but it is a fact that out of so many people only a few are genuine friends. It is because of this reason we suggest that organising a party with less number of people is a better idea as it will make you much happier and carefree. Close relatives and friends must only be invited to keep the headcounts low.

Open Spaces

Organising a get together at home obviously gives a cosy and homely feeling but due to the Covid, one must avoid keeping the party indoors. A better option is to plan a holiday party in the backyard, on the rooftop, or in a farmhouse. These places will help you enjoy the beautiful weather outside and keep you safe from the Covid virus. These days a lot of Airbnb's are becoming popular among people to enjoy weekend trips, night parties or even a long stay. These are very hygienic with beautiful views and also follow the Covid protocols. Diwali and Christmas arrive with winters so it is necessary to plan according to the weather keeping in mind the guidelines of Covid. If it is the time of winter then try to use warmers or fire pits so that guests do not feel cold during the party.

Comfortable Seating

There must be comfortable and proper seating arrangements for guests so that they can be at a distance from each other and yet be close enough to be a part of every conversation and not feel left out. Instead of putting all the chairs and sofas together, make small groups with three to four chairs to avoid congestion. One can also use name tags designed to be kept on the table so that the guests can directly reach their table just by reading their name on the tags.


Instead of buffets, one can think of serving the platter on the table itself so that no one has to get up from their place to serve food again and again. Also, the buffet system does not look very hygienic especially during the Covid pandemic due to everyone touching the cutlery. Pre-decide the menu for food and drinks so that it can be directly kept on the table of the guests without creating any chaos.

Party Decor

As the members are fewer and we have already saved a lot on other things hence we can decorate the place beautifully using creative decor ideas or by hiring agencies to do the work. During winter time use colour schemes such as white blue balloons to give the feeling of snowy weather. You can use paper flowers for a colour look and hang them all on the tree branches. Prepare photo booths along with props so that guests can enjoy getting their pictures clicked. Use fresh flowers on the table vase to enhance the vibe of the place. Fairy lights and hanging bulbs all over the open place will definitely make your place look like a fairy land. Place sanitisers all around the place to maintain proper hygiene.

Gifts for Your Guests

Lastly, everyone loves gifts. Make sure to buy inexpensive gifts to give to your guests so that they can keep them as a memory. This gesture always adds a personal touch when you invest time in buying something really thoughtful for the guests. One can even hire a photographer at the venue who can click beautiful pictures of the guests with the host and frame them on the spot to give them to your people. It will be the most memorable gift for anyone attending the party. Planters are also a very environment friendly and budget friendly idea to gift your guests. You can get the name of the guests printed on the planter for a personalised look.


With the presence of supportive friends and family, one can easily plan a holiday party. Also, creative teams can be hired to give that extra edge to your celebration. It is always a good idea to make use of creative people to organise the event so that you can enjoy the party as much as the guests enjoy. Festivals and parties are most enjoyed with close people, hence do not let Covid get in between your plans, instead become super creative to organise a beautiful get together which will become a memorable affair for every person attending the event.

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